// Technology Catalog

Raw data becomes information

// Technology Catalog

Automated software & product detection through advanced AI technology

There are various IT trends that have an impact on the transparency of a software landscape. These include the digitization of business processes and the increasing importance of cloud and SaaS solutions. As a result, software is being procured and managed more decentrally than ever before, while at the same time the number of new software products is increasing. Categorizing software makes sense to enable proactive portfolio management. RayVentory Catalog enriches all products in the company with important information and thus provides complete transparency.

// Technology Catalog

Benefit from automatic detection, normalization and data enrichment

// Complete transparency

Automated detection of similar software from different vendors and the regular overview of installed software products

// Get important key figures

Extensive information, such as business function, release and EOL data, license classification, CVE vulnerabilities and many more

// Increase of data quality

Get an overview of low-quality data and security gaps and eliminate them with automatic data cleansing

Technology Catalog

Raw data becomes information

The key task of the technology catalog is the detection and normalization of the software. This is based on modern AI technology, which provides companies with daily updated data despite the increased complexity. In addition to the leading applications on the market, all other manufacturers and software products are categorized. In-house software can also be added to the catalog to cover any software products.

// Technology Catalog

Automatic detection, normalization and data enrichment

Product recognition
Product recognition is permanently expanded and maintained, so that companies benefit from data that is updated on a daily basis.


Data enrichments
RayVentory Catalog provides high quality information that supports the Strategic IT decision making process.

Normalization of software and vendors is a basic requirement to ensure full and reliable transparency.

// Highlights

Vulnerability monitoring

RayVentory not only successfully covers the CIS Control focus areas “Inventory and Control of Hardware Assets” and “Inventory and Control of Software Assets”, but also has an interface to the NIST database (National Institute of Standards and Technology), which provides important information for vulnerability and risk management.

By comparing all data with the NIST database on a daily basis, companies always receive up-to-date information on existing vulnerabilities and security gaps. Using RayVentory Catalog’s intelligent, AI-driven technology, these vulnerabilities are automatically categorized.

// Highlights

End of Life/End of Support Key Figures

The comprehensive technology catalog normalizes, categorizes and enriches the software and hardware inventory to provide insights not possible with traditional device management tools. These insights include details such as end of support or end of life information for software. Among other things, the technology catalog helps streamline applications and other key IT initiatives.
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Throughout the world, numerous companies and institutions rely on our solutions. Here are just a few of our successful projects.

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// Technology Catalog

Raw data becomes information

// Technology Catalog

Automated software & product detection through advanced AI technology

There are various IT trends that have an impact on the transparency of a software landscape. These include the digitization of business processes and the increasing importance of cloud and SaaS solutions. As a result, software is being procured and managed more decentrally than ever before, while at the same time the number of new software products is increasing. Categorizing software makes sense to enable proactive portfolio management. RayVentory Catalog enriches all products in the company with important information and thus provides complete transparency.

// Technology Catalog

Benefit from automatic detection, normalization and data enrichment

// Complete transparency

Automated detection of similar software from different vendors and the regular overview of installed software products

// Get important key figures

Extensive information, such as business function, release and EOL data, license classification, CVE vulnerabilities and many more

// Increase of data quality

Get an overview of low-quality data and security gaps and eliminate them with automatic data cleansing

Technology Catalog

Raw data becomes information

The key task of the technology catalog is the detection and normalization of the software. This is based on modern AI technology, which provides companies with daily updated data despite the increased complexity. In addition to the leading applications on the market, all other manufacturers and software products are categorized. In-house software can also be added to the catalog to cover any software products.

// Technology Catalog

Automatic detection, normalization and data enrichment

Product recognition
Product recognition is permanently expanded and maintained, so that companies benefit from data that is updated on a daily basis.

Normalization of software and vendors is a basic requirement to ensure full and reliable transparency.

Data enrichments
RayVentory Catalog provides high quality information that supports the Strategic IT decision making process.

// Highlights

Vulnerability monitoring

RayVentory not only successfully covers the CIS Control focus areas “Inventory and Control of Hardware Assets” and “Inventory and Control of Software Assets”, but also has an interface to the NIST database (National Institute of Standards and Technology), which provides important information for vulnerability and risk management.

By comparing all data with the NIST database on a daily basis, companies always receive up-to-date information on existing vulnerabilities and security gaps. Using RayVentory Catalog’s intelligent, AI-driven technology, these vulnerabilities are automatically categorized.

// Highlights

End of Life/End of Support Key Figures

The comprehensive technology catalog normalizes, categorizes and enriches the software and hardware inventory to provide insights not possible with traditional device management tools. These insights include details such as end of support or end of life information for software. Among other things, the technology catalog helps streamline applications and other key IT initiatives.
// Discover to Manage.

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// Success Stories

Throughout the world, numerous companies and institutions rely on our solutions. Here are just a few of our successful projects.

// Trainings & Certifications

Our RayAcademy offers a variety of trainings for different areas and requirements of your company.

// Services

If you want to focus entirely on your core business, our services are just what you need.

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