// Success Story
Comprehensive IT Visibility gives Coop Rechtsschutz AG new insights for strategic IT asset management

IT Visibility – A “must have” for the future
To prepare for negotiations for a Microsoft contract renewal, Coop Rechtsschutz AG needed an exact overview of its hardware and software landscape. Stephan Hüsler, Head of IT at Coop Rechtsschutz AG, turned to Bechtle Schweiz AG upon hearing about its services that could help him get the insight he needed.
The Customer
Coop Rechtsschutz AG is an independent Swiss provider of legal insurance, developing legal protection solutions for private individuals, organizations, trade unions and SMEs. Its in-house professional and expert legal team handles nearly 40,000 cases per year. Their passion is protecting their customers, and they help each customer find individual resolutions to their legal cases. In 2022 alone, Coop Rechtsschutz handled 38,754 legal cases, generating 69 million Swiss francs in gross premiums.
The Challenge
Before renewing a contract, the first question you ask is, “Do I really need this?” After all, why spend money on something you don’t need and doesn’t drive value? It’s true whether you’re extending a cellphone contract or reupping an enterprise software agreement, though the latter is usually a little more complicated. Enterprise software agreements cover a variety of different software products and different licenses. With a cellphone contract, you can say quickly and easily whether you need it by checking your monthly call time and data usage and comparing them to your contract. If you use too much, you can always increase your coverage, too little and you decrease it. Although the same principle applies, software contract renewals require more visibility and granularity.
The legal insurance provider Coop Rechtsschutz was just a few weeks away from a contract renewal with a major software vendor, but they didn’t have the visibility they wanted. Among other things, the insurance provider wanted a complete overview of the vendor’s software footprint in their environment, so they could make strategic choices for the upcoming renewal. Having the right software solutions in place was crucial for the insurance vendor’s market advantage in a rapidly digitalizing competitive landscape, and the software contract renewal would play a significant role in their long-term digital success.

"We are pleased to have successfully completed the pilot project with the Bechtle Schweiz team. With the new Bechtle Inventory2Go service, which is supported by the Unified Data Platform, we are laying the foundation for all future IT initiatives and providing customers with exactly the insights they need to make strategic IT decisions."
Dennis Westhoff, Director Sales & Partner at Raynet
Their new IT Director faced two challenges: getting complete visibility of the organization’s Microsoft landscape and doing it quickly. As a rule, getting comprehensive visibility of an organization’s licenses is an intensive process. It requires not only inventorying all the endpoints in the environment to see what software is installed, but then comparing that with license data to see a) whether the organization is compliant with its licenses, and b) whether it needs additional licenses. This baseline is crucial for any Software Asset Management project, from a compliance audit to contract negotiations, to license optimization and beyond.

The Solution
Coop Rechtsschutz called on the IT and Software Asset Management experts at Bechtle Schweiz and Raynet, choosing their recently launched service, “Inventory2Go”. Based on the Unified Data Platform, “Inventory2Go” automatically gathers, normalizes, and enriches IT and software asset data, using Raynet’s world’s leading technology catalog. The platform employs an intelligent Extract, Load, and Transform (ETL) technology to gather data from various sources to make them available in a single, unified platform.
Using the aggregated, normalized, and enriched IT asset data, the experts at Bechtle Schweiz create dashboards that provide quick wins for fixing data gaps, optimizing portfolios, and improving IT security, as well as long-term, sustainable insights for getting the most out an IT investment.
The data provides users with the foundation for strategic IT business initiatives, including license management, which is just what Coop Rechtsschutz needed. Flexible discovery methods automatically generated a complete inventory in just a few minutes, giving the insurance provider complete visibility of its hardware and software assets and allowing Bechtle Schweiz to find its optimal licensing position for contract negotiations.
The Benefits
Along with complete and rapid visibility of its hardware and software assets, Bechtle’s Inventory2go managed service gave the insurance provider additional insights into its IT environment that would allow it to control costs and maintain security.
Coop Rechtsschutz AG gained significantly more data about its IT landscape that it had ever had and more than it had hoped for. Not only did they now have an accurate and reliable overview of their licenses and licenses needs that they could use to get better conditions in their upcoming renewal. The company also received enriched information about their applications including End-of-Life and End-of-Support data as well as data for improved vulnerability monitoring.
The insurance provider was able to turn its pilot project with Raynet and Bechtle Schweiz from a quick inventory win to a long-term IT security strategy.
The Upshot
The insurance provider couldn’t have been happier. The successful pilot project lead directly to a five year deal for Inventory2go. Coop Rechtsschutz AG is capitalizing greatly on its newly won insights and building a foundation for future IT initiatives.
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"The importance of an aggregated IT asset [overview] is demonstrated by the new RayVentory system, which is in which is 'live' and running at our company. My thanks go to Bechtle Switzerland and Raynet for the absolutely exciting and uncomplicated implementation of this pilot. We now have product-independent overview of all our systems based on an extended structure, which can even be integrated into existing Zero-Trust configurations. For me, this has a lot of potential and is certainly a 'must have' for the future."
Stephan Huesler, Head of IT at Coop Rechtsschutz AG
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// Success Story
Comprehensive IT Visibility gives Coop Rechtsschutz AG new insights for strategic IT asset management
IT Visibility for IT Asset Management
Gross Premiums:
69 Million CHF*
Legal insurance claims:
*Stand: 2023

IT Visibility – A “must have” for the future
To prepare for negotiations for a Microsoft contract renewal, Coop Rechtsschutz AG needed an exact overview of its hardware and software landscape. Stephan Hüsler, Head of IT at Coop Rechtsschutz AG, turned to Bechtle Schweiz AG upon hearing about its services that could help him get the insight he needed.
The Customer
Coop Rechtsschutz AG is an independent Swiss provider of legal insurance, developing legal protection solutions for private individuals, organizations, trade unions and SMEs. Its in-house professional and expert legal team handles nearly 40,000 cases per year. Their passion is protecting their customers, and they help each customer find individual resolutions to their legal cases. In 2022 alone, Coop Rechtsschutz handled 38,754 legal cases, generating 69 million Swiss francs in gross premiums.
The Challenge
Before renewing a contract, the first question you ask is, “Do I really need this?” After all, why spend money on something you don’t need and doesn’t drive value? It’s true whether you’re extending a cellphone contract or reupping an enterprise software agreement, though the latter is usually a little more complicated. Enterprise software agreements cover a variety of different software products and different licenses. With a cellphone contract, you can say quickly and easily whether you need it by checking your monthly call time and data usage and comparing them to your contract. If you use too much, you can always increase your coverage, too little and you decrease it. Although the same principle applies, software contract renewals require more visibility and granularity.
The legal insurance provider Coop Rechtsschutz was just a few weeks away from a contract renewal with a major software vendor, but they didn’t have the visibility they wanted. Among other things, the insurance provider wanted a complete overview of the vendor’s software footprint in their environment, so they could make strategic choices for the upcoming renewal. Having the right software solutions in place was crucial for the insurance vendor’s market advantage in a rapidly digitalizing competitive landscape, and the software contract renewal would play a significant role in their long-term digital success.

"We are pleased to have successfully completed the pilot project with the Bechtle Schweiz team. With the new Bechtle Inventory2Go service, which is supported by the Unified Data Platform, we are laying the foundation for all future IT initiatives and providing customers with exactly the insights they need to make strategic IT decisions."
Dennis Westhoff, Director Sales & Partner at Raynet

The Solution
Coop Rechtsschutz called on the IT and Software Asset Management experts at Bechtle Schweiz and Raynet, choosing their recently launched service, “Inventory2Go”. Based on the Unified Data Platform, “Inventory2Go” automatically gathers, normalizes, and enriches IT and software asset data, using Raynet’s world’s leading technology catalog. The platform employs an intelligent Extract, Load, and Transform (ETL) technology to gather data from various sources to make them available in a single, unified platform.
Using the aggregated, normalized, and enriched IT asset data, the experts at Bechtle Schweiz create dashboards that provide quick wins for fixing data gaps, optimizing portfolios, and improving IT security, as well as long-term, sustainable insights for getting the most out an IT investment.
The data provides users with the foundation for strategic IT business initiatives, including license management, which is just what Coop Rechtsschutz needed. Flexible discovery methods automatically generated a complete inventory in just a few minutes, giving the insurance provider complete visibility of its hardware and software assets and allowing Bechtle Schweiz to find its optimal licensing position for contract negotiations.
The Benefits
Along with complete and rapid visibility of its hardware and software assets, Bechtle’s Inventory2go managed service gave the insurance provider additional insights into its IT environment that would allow it to control costs and maintain security.
Coop Rechtsschutz AG gained significantly more data about its IT landscape that it had ever had and more than it had hoped for. Not only did they now have an accurate and reliable overview of their licenses and licenses needs that they could use to get better conditions in their upcoming renewal. The company also received enriched information about their applications including End-of-Life and End-of-Support data as well as data for improved vulnerability monitoring.
The insurance provider was able to turn its pilot project with Raynet and Bechtle Schweiz from a quick inventory win to a long-term IT security strategy.
The Upshot
The insurance provider couldn’t have been happier. The successful pilot project lead directly to a five year deal for Inventory2go. Coop Rechtsschutz AG is capitalizing greatly on its newly won insights and building a foundation for future IT initiatives.
“The importance of an aggregated IT asset [overview] is demonstrated by the new RayVentory system, which is in which is 'live' and running at our company. My thanks go to Bechtle Switzerland and Raynet for the absolutely exciting and uncomplicated implementation of this pilot. We now have product-independent overview of all our systems based on an extended structure, which can even be integrated into existing Zero-Trust configurations. For me, this has a lot of potential and is certainly a 'must have' for the future."
Stephan Huesler, Head of IT at Coop Rechtsschutz AG
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