Normalize and enrich your data for better business insights
Normalize and enrich your data to add value
Continuous changes in IT – moving from on-premises solutions to hybrid or fully cloud-based environments – make it increasingly difficult to accurately map and document infrastructure in a unified system. The data can be conflicting, inadequate, and hard to get to.
Without a clear understanding of the data, enterprises and organizations miss opportunities to gain valuable business insights and to identify threats to stability and revenue.

Better data for strategic business decisions
By centrally bundling important data sources such as System of Records, enterprises and organizations can arm themselves with the right data to make fact-based strategic business decisions, such as infrastructure design, software and hardware provisioning and licensing – decisions that will directly affect the bottom line.
RayVentory provides a variety of methods and standardized connectors to help organizations and enterprises get a clear, trustworthy overview of their data. Once the data sources have been bundled through an ETL process, the data is unified and enriched with data from the technology catalog.
This approach results in a comprehensive data set, a single source of truth, that can benefit an entire range of systems and disciplines including license management.

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Normalize and enrich your data for better business insights
Normalization and enrichment of your data to give it more value
Permanent changes in the technological infrastructure of a company, away from on-premises solutions to hybrid or fully cloud-based environments, create a constantly increasing effort to map and document these processes in a unified system.
And while most organizations are trying to use data from these new technologies, they are not able to merge them and gain business-enhancing or even business-threatening insights.
The result of a missing information is incorrect or even non-existent investments in IT business areas. This means that really important IT business areas are not identified as such in the first place.

Data normalization with key figures as a basis for important decisions
To bundle data centrally and to make the right decisions in the end, potential data sources, i.e. systems (System of Records), have to be connected. For this, RayVentory provides a variety of methods and standardized connectors. In the next step, this data will be transformed by ETL, unified, and enriched with data from the technology catalog. Thanks to this holistic and standardized data source, also called single source of truth, further systems such as license management can benefit.

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