// Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management

Transform your cybersecurity and protect your entire attack surface

transparency across your entire cyber assets.
0 %
to a first meaningful cyber asset overview
0 minutes
SaaS & Cloud connectors for highest IT security
0 +

// Discover to Manage

Master your cyber defenses and uncover hidden risks

Cybersecurity teams today are overwhelmed by the complexity and scale of their organization’s attack surface. As businesses grow and adopt new technologies, the number of cyber assets (devices, applications, and users) rapidly increase, making it difficult to track and secure them all effectively. This expanded attack surface leaves your organization vulnerable to unnoticed security gaps and potential breaches.

To overcome this challenge, you need Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM) in your company. CAASM provides you with the visibility and control needed to identify, manage, and secure every asset across your network.

// Benefits

Improve your company's overall cyber resilience

Gain visibility

Get a real-time overview of your global cyber assets and keep the security status always under control.

Manage risks proactively

Automatically monitor your cyber assets to detect and fix vulnerabilities before they are exploited.

Enhance incident response

Respond faster and more effectively to security incidents to minimize the potential damage.

Strengthen security measures

Stay one step ahead of new threats and make sure your security measures are always up to date.

// Success story

IT outage after cyber attack. Required IT transparency in less than 2 weeks

International business group gets complete IT asset overview just days after a critical phishing attack and develops an innovative, future-proof IT security strategy.

Thanks to Raynet Technologies, the organization got the tools they needed to completely restore their digital infrastructure in just 13 days.

Customers empowered by Raynet technologies

Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management

You can’t protect what you can’t see: By identifying cyber assets, including hardware (servers, endpoints, or IoT devices), software (applications, services, or databases), and digital identities (users, credentials, or roles), Raynet One gives you enhanced visibility of your enterprise IT environment.

Get deeper insights into the effectiveness of your security, know how much of your environment is actually protected, how it’s protected, whether those tools are functioning as they should, what vulnerabitilities your environment is subject to, and what impact those vulnerabilities could have on the stability and reliability of your business services.

// We are, where you are

Contact our experts for a live demo

Interested in our solutions, need further Information, or have questions?

With almost 25 years of experience and numerous customer projects worldwide, we can help you with your challenges – contact us today!

// Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management

Transform your cybersecurity and protect your entire attack surface

transparency across your entire cyber assets.
0 %
to a first meaningful cyber asset overview
0 minutes
SaaS & Cloud connectors for highest IT security
0 +

// Discover to Manage

Master your cyber defenses and uncover hidden risks

Cybersecurity teams today are overwhelmed by the complexity and scale of their organization’s attack surface. As businesses grow and adopt new technologies, the number of cyber assets (devices, applications, and users) rapidly increase, making it difficult to track and secure them all effectively. This expanded attack surface leaves your organization vulnerable to unnoticed security gaps and potential breaches.

To overcome this challenge, you need Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM) in your company. CAASM provides you with the visibility and control needed to identify, manage, and secure every asset across your network.

// Benefits

Improve your company's overall cyber resilience

Gain visibility

Use daily updated Information from NIST database to have an accurate overview of your vulnerabilities.

Manage risks proactively

Take advantage of vulnerability scoring and implement automatism for patching Software vulnerabilities.

Enhance incident response

Patch and update critical vulnerabilities directly after they occur and prevent unnecessary risks.

Strengthen security measures

Stay one step ahead of new threats and make sure your security measures are always up to date.

// Success story

IT outage after cyber attack. Required IT transparency in less than 2 weeks

International business group gets complete IT asset overview just days after a critical phishing attack and develops an innovative, future-proof IT security strategy.

Thanks to Raynet Technologies, the organization got the tools they needed to completely restore their digital infrastructure in just 13 days.

Customers empowered by Raynet technologies

Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management

Companies often face challenges within their IT software portfolio due to the complexity and growth of their technology environments. Over time, as organizations expand and evolve, they accumulate a mix of software solutions that overlap in functionality or become outdated. This leads to increased costs, inefficiencies, and management difficulties.

Raynet One supports you in identifying costly and redundant applications within your IT landscape. Through intelligent data enrichment with our Technology Catalog, you benefit from deep insights into usage, software and version sprawl as well as information on outdated and redundant software applications.

By actively managing your IT portfolio, you can optimize costs, streamline operations, and ensure that your technology supports their strategic goals.

// We are, where you are

Request a live demo

Interested in our solutions, need further Information, or have questions?

With almost 25 years of experience and numerous customer projects worldwide, we can help you with your challenges – contact us today!