// Raynet & OSB Alliance

Together. With the
technologies of tomorrow.

About OSB Alliance

The Open Source Business Alliance (OSB Alliance) is the association of the open source industry in Germany. The OSB Alliance represents over 200 member companies that employ around 95,000 people in Germany and generate annual revenues of over 126.8 billion euros.

Together with scientific institutions and users, we are committed to creating a long-lasting public understanding of the crucial role open-source software and open standards play in the success of digital transformation.

Vorname Name

Rolle bei Unternehmen

„Mit Raynet haben wir einen starken Partner an unserer Seite, der unsere Vision teilt. Gemeinsam bündeln wir unser Know-how, um unseren Kunden branchenweit anerkannte und von Forrester ausgezeichnete Lösungen im Bereich Software Asset Management anzubieten. Wir sind stolz darauf, von Forrester als Leader ausgezeichnet zu werden.“

Partner type:

Network Partner

Further links:

Contact our experts

Would you like to expand your portfolio with our products and solutions or do you have questions about a partnership with us? Let’s talk in person.

// Raynet & OSB Alliance

Together. With the technologies of tomorrow.

About OSB Alliance

The Open Source Business Alliance (OSB Alliance) is the association of the open source industry in Germany. The OSB Alliance represents over 200 member companies that employ around 95,000 people in Germany and generate annual revenues of over 126.8 billion euros.

Together with scientific institutions and users, we are committed to creating a long-lasting public understanding of the crucial role open-source software and open standards play in the success of digital transformation.

„Mit Raynet haben wir einen starken Partner an unserer Seite, der unsere Vision teilt. Gemeinsam bündeln wir unser Know-how, um unseren Kunden branchenweit anerkannte und von Forrester ausgezeichnete Lösungen im Bereich Software Asset Management anzubieten. Wir sind stolz darauf, von Forrester als Leader ausgezeichnet zu werden.“

Vorname Name

Rolle bei Unternehmen

Partner type:

Network Partner

Further Links:

Contact our experts

Would you like to expand your portfolio with our products and solutions or do you have questions about a partnership with us? Let’s talk in person.