// Raynet & EasySAM

Together. With the
technologies of tomorrow.

About EasySAM

EasySAM are an independent Software Asset Management (SAM) consultancy, an impartial advisory body without any agendas other than providing analysis and advice around the software you purchase and deploy. They help organisations correct any potential overspend on software and make sure that any risks are proactively identified and addressed.

With an ability to tailor a package around varied needs – from ad-hoc consultancy and training, to baseline reports, or a full managed service – they’re perfect for any SAM needs.

Vorname Name

Rolle bei Unternehmen

„Mit Raynet haben wir einen starken Partner an unserer Seite, der unsere Vision teilt. Gemeinsam bündeln wir unser Know-how, um unseren Kunden branchenweit anerkannte und von Forrester ausgezeichnete Lösungen im Bereich Software Asset Management anzubieten. Wir sind stolz darauf, von Forrester als Leader ausgezeichnet zu werden.“

Partner level:
Partner type:

Reseller & Service Provider

Further links:

Contact our experts

Would you like to expand your portfolio with our products and solutions or do you have questions about a partnership with us? Let’s talk in person.

// Raynet & EasySAM

Together. With the technologies of tomorrow.

About EasySAM

EasySAM are an independent Software Asset Management (SAM) consultancy, an impartial advisory body without any agendas other than providing analysis and advice around the software you purchase and deploy. They help organisations correct any potential overspend on software and make sure that any risks are proactively identified and addressed.

With an ability to tailor a package around varied needs – from ad-hoc consultancy and training, to baseline reports, or a full managed service – they’re perfect for any SAM needs.

„Mit Raynet haben wir einen starken Partner an unserer Seite, der unsere Vision teilt. Gemeinsam bündeln wir unser Know-how, um unseren Kunden branchenweit anerkannte und von Forrester ausgezeichnete Lösungen im Bereich Software Asset Management anzubieten. Wir sind stolz darauf, von Forrester als Leader ausgezeichnet zu werden.“

Vorname Name

Rolle bei Unternehmen

Partner level:
Partner type:

Reseller & Service Provider

Further Links:

Contact our experts

Would you like to expand your portfolio with our products and solutions or do you have questions about a partnership with us? Let’s talk in person.