// Raynet & AppTec360

Together. With the
technologies of tomorrow.

About AppTec360

AppTec develops inhouse and cloudbased Mobility Management solutions for the challenges that face firms when managing applications, configuration, and security of smart phones and tablets.

Smart phones and tablets – whether based on Android, iOS, or Windows Phone – are increasingly becoming the primary and personal communication and productivity platform for businesses and their employees. This, however, leads to new challenges in respect to manageability, costs, and risks. Traditional management strategies and IT solutions are not targeted at these risks. It is exactly these challenges that AppTec with its Mobility Management Suite takes on.

AppTec’s mobile device management solution with its very intuitively operable management console offers the possibility of managing, configuring, and securing all mobile devices and applications from a central point.

Vorname Name

Rolle bei Unternehmen

„Mit Raynet haben wir einen starken Partner an unserer Seite, der unsere Vision teilt. Gemeinsam bündeln wir unser Know-how, um unseren Kunden branchenweit anerkannte und von Forrester ausgezeichnete Lösungen im Bereich Software Asset Management anzubieten. Wir sind stolz darauf, von Forrester als Leader ausgezeichnet zu werden.“

Partner type:

OEM Partner

Further links:

Contact our experts

Would you like to expand your portfolio with our products and solutions or do you have questions about a partnership with us? Let’s talk in person.

// Raynet & AppTec360

Together. With the technologies of tomorrow.

About AppTec360

AppTec develops inhouse and cloudbased Mobility Management solutions for the challenges that face firms when managing applications, configuration, and security of smart phones and tablets.

Smart phones and tablets – whether based on Android, iOS, or Windows Phone – are increasingly becoming the primary and personal communication and productivity platform for businesses and their employees. This, however, leads to new challenges in respect to manageability, costs, and risks. Traditional management strategies and IT solutions are not targeted at these risks. It is exactly these challenges that AppTec with its Mobility Management Suite takes on.

AppTec’s mobile device management solution with its very intuitively operable management console offers the possibility of managing, configuring, and securing all mobile devices and applications from a central point.

„Mit Raynet haben wir einen starken Partner an unserer Seite, der unsere Vision teilt. Gemeinsam bündeln wir unser Know-how, um unseren Kunden branchenweit anerkannte und von Forrester ausgezeichnete Lösungen im Bereich Software Asset Management anzubieten. Wir sind stolz darauf, von Forrester als Leader ausgezeichnet zu werden.“

Vorname Name

Rolle bei Unternehmen

Partner type:

OEM Partner

Further Links:

Contact our experts

Would you like to expand your portfolio with our products and solutions or do you have questions about a partnership with us? Let’s talk in person.