// The revolution in IT Management
New Raynet One platform empowers cybersecurity and IT management teams to gain True IT Asset Visibility
Raynet, a global software vendor, today officially releases Raynet One. The SaaS-based solution is aimed at enterprise companies and the upper midmarket, especially companies with complex IT environments.
Raynet One sets new standards in IT management by providing a single, reliable source for all IT assets. The platform enables companies to effectively protect, optimize, and manage their IT systems. The focus on data completeness and quality clearly sets Raynet One apart from its competitors.
Complete and high-quality data as the basis for IT success
The central platform combines flexible inventory methods with a variety of SaaS and cloud connectors, achieving an inventory rate of more than 98%. This is the starting point for comprehensive True IT Asset Visibility.
The aggregation, transformation, normalization, and enrichment of the collected raw data creates a high-quality and reliable data basis. This is crucial for the success of company-wide IT initiatives.
An outstanding feature of Raynet One is the integrated technology catalog, one of the world’s leading of its kind. This enables companies to enrich their data with valuable lifecycle, license and vulnerability information and derive directly actionable measures from it.
In the highest configuration level, for example, the platform can not only identify vulnerabilities, but also fix them automatically. This enables companies to control and manage all their hardware and software assets automatically.
Maximum security and efficiency for complex IT environments
The Raynet One platform is aimed particularly at cybersecurity and IT management teams and offers a range of benefits:
- Detection and elimination of shadow IT and blind spots: Companies can identify hidden IT assets and proactively close security gaps.
- Daily vulnerability information: Continuous updates minimize the risk of cyberattacks.
- Proactive risk management: End of life and end of support data enable an early response to potential risks.
- IT portfolio optimization: Raynet One shows immediate optimization potential by comparing outdated versions, function overlaps and version diversity.
- Automated patch management: Raynet One ensures efficient security and patch management for third-party solutions.
Interested parties can test the Raynet One platform without limitations for 30 days free of charge. The platform is available worldwide and enables companies of all sizes to optimize and protect their IT investments.
Raynets Mission: Discover to Manage
As a global software manufacturer with market-leading solutions and complementary managed services, Raynet pursues the mission “Discover to Manage”. The software manufacturer’s vision is to support companies worldwide in ensuring transparency and security in their IT environments and optimizing their IT investments.
About Raynet
Raynet is a leading provider of software solutions and managed services that help companies worldwide to successfully manage their IT projects and IT operations. With a comprehensive portfolio of innovative products, Raynet sets standards in the industry and helps its customers to optimally manage and secure their IT assets.
„Mit RayManageSoft UEM haben wir bereits den entscheidenden Grundstein für intelligentes Unified Endpoint Management gelegt. Das Know-how und die UEM-Funktionen werden mit weiteren Features für IT Visibility, Portfolio-Optimierung und End of Life- & End of Support-Management in der neuen Raynet One-Plattform zusammengebracht, welche Ende August offiziell veröffentlicht wird. Die SaaS-basierte Softwarelösung schafft durch den Einsatz von KI, intelligenten Automatismen und einem integrierten Technologiekatalog eine umfassende Übersicht aller Daten. Das ist die Grundlage für den IT-Erfolg unserer Kunden. Sie unterstützt Unternehmen dabei, sich gegen Cyberangriffe zu schützen, die digitale Transformation erfolgreich zu meistern und den Nutzen der Technologieinvestitionen zu maximieren. Das ist die Voraussetzung, um das IT Management unserer Kunden zu revolutionieren und grenzenlose Möglichkeiten für mehr Effizienz und Leistungsfähigkeit zu schaffen.“

CEO der Raynet
Press contact:
Isabella Borth
Chief Marketing & Growth Officer • General Manager
Email: presse@raynet.de
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// Press release
New Raynet One platform empowers cybersecurity and IT management teams to gain True IT Asset Visibility
August 29th, 2024 | Press release
Raynet, a global software vendor, today officially releases Raynet One. The SaaS-based solution is aimed at enterprise companies and the upper midmarket, especially companies with complex IT environments.
Raynet One sets new standards in IT management by providing a single, reliable source for all IT assets. The platform enables companies to effectively protect, optimize, and manage their IT systems. The focus on data completeness and quality clearly sets Raynet One apart from its competitors.
Complete and high-quality data as the basis for IT success
The central platform combines flexible inventory methods with a variety of SaaS and cloud connectors, achieving an inventory rate of more than 98%. This is the starting point for comprehensive True IT Asset Visibility.
The aggregation, transformation, normalization, and enrichment of the collected raw data creates a high-quality and reliable data basis. This is crucial for the success of company-wide IT initiatives.
An outstanding feature of Raynet One is the integrated technology catalog, one of the world’s leading of its kind. This enables companies to enrich their data with valuable lifecycle, license and vulnerability information and derive directly actionable measures from it.
In the highest configuration level, for example, the platform can not only identify vulnerabilities, but also fix them automatically. This enables companies to control and manage all their hardware and software assets automatically.
Maximum security and efficiency for complex IT environments
The Raynet One platform is aimed particularly at cybersecurity and IT management teams and offers a range of benefits:
- Detection and elimination of shadow IT and blind spots: Companies can identify hidden IT assets and proactively close security gaps.
- Daily vulnerability information: Continuous updates minimize the risk of cyberattacks.
- Proactive risk management: End of life and end of support data enable an early response to potential risks.
- IT portfolio optimization: Raynet One shows immediate optimization potential by comparing outdated versions, function overlaps and version diversity.
- Automated patch management: Raynet One ensures efficient security and patch management for third-party solutions.
Interested parties can test the Raynet One platform without limitations for 30 days free of charge. The platform is available worldwide and enables companies of all sizes to optimize and protect their IT investments.
Raynets Mission: Discover to Manage
As a global software manufacturer with market-leading solutions and complementary managed services, Raynet pursues the mission “Discover to Manage”. The software manufacturer’s vision is to support companies worldwide in ensuring transparency and security in their IT environments and optimizing their IT investments.
About Raynet
Raynet is a leading provider of software solutions and managed services that help companies worldwide to successfully manage their IT projects and IT operations. With a comprehensive portfolio of innovative products, Raynet sets standards in the industry and helps its customers to optimally manage and secure their IT assets.
Press contact:
Isabella Borth
Chief Marketing & Growth Officer • General Manager
Email: presse@raynet.de
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