The analyst firm ITAM Review has recognized Raynet for its outstanding solutions in the area of Inventory & Discovery. The innovative technology and comprehensive functions of Raynet One, which enable precise and efficient recording and analysis of IT assets, were particularly emphasized.
With this certification, Raynet underlines its position as a leading provider of modern ITAM solutions that help companies to manage their IT environments transparently and securely.
„ISO 19770 states that good ITAM starts with trustworthy data, and that’s exactly what this solution provides.”, explains AJ Witt, Analyst at ITAM Review.
Read the full report now and find out how Raynet One will support you with your challenges.
Awarded by ITAM Review:

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The analyst firm ITAM Review has recognized Raynet for its outstanding solutions in the area of Inventory & Discovery. The innovative technology and comprehensive functions of Raynet One, which enable precise and efficient recording and analysis of IT assets, were particularly emphasized.
With this certification, Raynet underlines its position as a leading provider of modern ITAM solutions that help companies to manage their IT environments transparently and securely.
„ISO 19770 states that good ITAM starts with trustworthy data, and that’s exactly what this solution provides.”, explains AJ Witt, Analyst at ITAM Review.
Read the full report now and find out how Raynet One will support you with your challenges.

„Mit RayManageSoft UEM haben wir bereits den entscheidenden Grundstein für intelligentes Unified Endpoint Management gelegt. Das Know-how und die UEM-Funktionen werden mit weiteren Features für IT Visibility, Portfolio-Optimierung und End of Life- & End of Support-Management in der neuen Raynet One-Plattform zusammengebracht, welche Ende August offiziell veröffentlicht wird. Die SaaS-basierte Softwarelösung schafft durch den Einsatz von KI, intelligenten Automatismen und einem integrierten Technologiekatalog eine umfassende Übersicht aller Daten. Das ist die Grundlage für den IT-Erfolg unserer Kunden. Sie unterstützt Unternehmen dabei, sich gegen Cyberangriffe zu schützen, die digitale Transformation erfolgreich zu meistern und den Nutzen der Technologieinvestitionen zu maximieren. Das ist die Voraussetzung, um das IT Management unserer Kunden zu revolutionieren und grenzenlose Möglichkeiten für mehr Effizienz und Leistungsfähigkeit zu schaffen.“

CEO der Raynet