Together. With the
technologies of tomorrow.

About Eco System ENTSCHEIDERFABRIK - der eHealth Inkubator

The Eco System ENTSCHEIDERFABRIK – der eHealth Incubator brings together more than 170 industrial companies, hospitals with more than 800 locations, 38 associations and consulting firms selected by the associations.

Our shared goal is to solve problems in business processes through digitalization, and to demonstrate the value of these solutions to corporate success in a way that’s relevant for individual hospital decision-makers. 

Our range of trainings and certifications helps each individual achieve the greatest possible benefits.

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Rolle bei Unternehmen

„Mit Raynet haben wir einen starken Partner an unserer Seite, der unsere Vision teilt. Gemeinsam bündeln wir unser Know-how, um unseren Kunden branchenweit anerkannte und von Forrester ausgezeichnete Lösungen im Bereich Software Asset Management anzubieten. Wir sind stolz darauf, von Forrester als Leader ausgezeichnet zu werden.“

Partner type:

Network Partner

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Would you like to expand your portfolio with our products and solutions or do you have questions about a partnership with us? Let’s talk in person.


Together. With the technologies of tomorrow.

About Eco System ENTSCHEIDERFABRIK - der eHealth Inkubator

The Eco System ENTSCHEIDERFABRIK – der eHealth Incubator brings together more than 170 industrial companies, hospitals with more than 800 locations, 38 associations and consulting firms selected by the associations.

Our shared goal is to solve problems in business processes through digitalization, and to demonstrate the value of these solutions to corporate success in a way that’s relevant for individual hospital decision-makers. 

Our range of trainings and certifications helps each individual achieve the greatest possible benefits.

„Mit Raynet haben wir einen starken Partner an unserer Seite, der unsere Vision teilt. Gemeinsam bündeln wir unser Know-how, um unseren Kunden branchenweit anerkannte und von Forrester ausgezeichnete Lösungen im Bereich Software Asset Management anzubieten. Wir sind stolz darauf, von Forrester als Leader ausgezeichnet zu werden.“

Vorname Name

Rolle bei Unternehmen

Partner type:

Network Partner

Further Links:

Contact our experts

Would you like to expand your portfolio with our products and solutions or do you have questions about a partnership with us? Let’s talk in person.