// Discover to Manage

Start your free Oracle Java scan now


Download our Unified Data Platform and start immediately with a quick and easy inventory of your IT landscape.


Upload your inventory results and get a comprehensive overview of your Oracle Java installations.

Yes, we scan – Oracle Java!

// How-To-Video

Oracle Java-Scan via PowerShell (ps1)

// How-To-Video

Oracle Java-Scan via Command Line Tool (cmd)

// Discover to Manage

Start your free Oracle Java Scan now


Download our Unified Data Platform and start immediately with a quick and easy inventory of your IT landscape.

*Only possible on desktop.


Upload your inventory results and get a comprehensive overview of your Oracle Java installations.

*Only possible on desktop.

Yes, we scan!

// How-To-Video

Oracle Java-Scan via PowerShell (ps1)

// How-To-Video

Oracle Java-Scan via Command Line Tool (cmd)

*Only possible on the desktop.

We're excited to help you!

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// Yes, we scan – Oracle Java!

Sichern Sie sich Ihren kostenlosen Oracle Java-Report!

// Oracle Java

Sichern Sie sich Ihren kostenlosen Oracle Java-Report!

// Yes, we scan – Oracle Java!

Register now, gain immediate transparency and avoid expensive audits.

// Oracle Java

Register now, gain immediate transparency and avoid expensive audits.