// IT Visibility made simple

Shed some light on your IT environment

Organizations face significant IT challenges but also great opportunities:

higher IT spending forecasted for 2023
0 %
of IT initiatives fail due to poor data quality
0 %
of IT spend can be reduced by portfolio optimization
0 %
// Data Management made for ITAM

The whole data journey: From information to insights to proven business value

ITAM drives value. At every stage of the journey, ITAM data provides insights and opportunities for more effective management, increased security, more efficient operations, and cost reductions. At the heart of this is IT Visibility. It’s not just about seeing more; IT Visibility provides a superior focus on the information and metrics that matter.

// Raynet Unified Data Platform

Get complete IT visibility in one central solution

Raynet Unified Data Platform is the only solution that allows you to collect, prepare and enrich your hardware and software data. It fully covers the diversity and complexity of enterprise data assets through intelligent automations and technologies in a central platform.

The technology catalog enriches the IT data with further information such as version, category, business function, end of life and end of support as well as published vulnerabilities.

With IT Visibility, you can:

Gain transparency

Optimize IT processes

Increase IT security

Reduce IT costs

// Discover to Manage

Leading companies trust the Unified Data Platform

central data management solution for over 30 companies
return on investment within 36 months after project launch
0 x
immediate reduction in manual processes
0 %
// Turn Data into Actions

What initiatives do you want to start with?

// Application Rationalization

Reduce your software sprawl while maintaining business functionality

// End of Life & End of Support Monitoring

Optimize your software portfolio & protect it proactively

// Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management

Get complete visibility to improve your IT security
// Resources

You might also be interested in

// Whitepaper

How normalized and enriched data can drive your IT initiatives forward

// Blog

How rationalizing your software portfolio can make your business leaner, fitter and more agile

// Success-Story

Successful ITAM stands and falls with the right data

// On Demand Webinar

IT Visibility – Turn Data into Actions for successful IT Initiatives 

// Unified Data Platform

Create an ideal data basis for your long-term IT initiatives

Contact our experts

Interested in our solutions, need further information, or have other questions? Reach out to us now!

// IT Visibility made simple

Shed some light on your IT environment

Organizations face significant IT challenges but also great opportunities:

higher IT spending forecasted for 2023
0 %
of IT initiatives fail due to poor data quality
0 %
of IT spend can be reduced by portfolio optimization
0 %
// Data Management made for ITAM

The whole data journey: From information to insights to proven business value

ITAM drives value. At every stage of the journey, ITAM data provides insights and opportunities for more effective managementincreased securitymore efficient operations, and cost reductions. At the heart of this is IT Visibility. It’s not just about seeing more; IT Visibility provides a superior focus on the information and metrics that matter.

// Raynet Unified Data Platform

Get complete IT visibility in one central solution

Raynet Unified Data Platform is the only solution that allows you to collect, prepare and enrich your hardware and software data. It fully covers the diversity and complexity of enterprise data assets through intelligent automations and technologies in a central platform.

The technology catalog enriches the IT data with further information such as version, category, business function, end of life and end of support as well as published vulnerabilities.

// Discover to Manage

Leading companies trust the Unified Data Platform

central data management solution for over 30 companies
return on investment within 36 months after project launch
0 x
immediate reduction in manual processes
0 %
// Turn Data into Actions

What initiatives do you want to start with?

// Application Rationalization

Reduce your software sprawl while maintaining business functionality

// End of Life & End of Support Monitoring

Optimize your software portfolio & protect it proactively

// Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management

Get complete visibility to improve your IT security
// Resources

You might also be interested in

// Whitepaper

Application Rationalization: A quick guide to an optimized software portfolio

// Blog

How rationalizing your software portfolio can make your business leaner, fitter and more agile

// Success-Story

Successful ITAM stands and falls with the right data

// On Demand Webinar

IT Visibility – Turn Data into Actions for successful IT Initiatives

// Unified Data Platform

Create an ideal data basis for your long-term IT initiatives

Contact our experts

Interested in our solutions, need further information, or have other questions? Reach out to us now!